BAM Adventures
Becoming A Man Adventures

The BAM Adventures curriculum focuses on young men between the ages of 11 and 17, a dynamic time developmentally in the life of every man.  During middle and high school there are physical and psychological changes occurring in a young man’s body and mind that make it a critical time of influence.


It is a time of great change and also great excitement.  Classes become more focused and intense, social dynamics change and develop, and the level of responsibility expected of young men increases dramatically over this eight-year period.  What’s even more important is that during this period, boys begin to turn to older male figures, especially their father, to develop their foundation of what it means to be a man.


What Makes the BAM Adventures Curriculum Unique?

For the reasons mentioned above, the BAM Adventures curriculum is even more dynamic and intentional than any of the younger divisions.  There are several ways in which this curriculum differs:

Discussion Guides

Unlike in the BAM Jr. Curriculum, here, both father and son receive their own copy of a discussion guide hat have identical questions in them.  Additionally, in all of the conversations, the son takes the lead.  This allows the son to further develop confidence in his own ideas and presenting them to others.

Retreat Activities

In the BAM Adventures division, the activities you'll get to participate in on the retreats are some of the most challenging and exciting that we have to offer.  Both father and son will be pushed to work harder together, build bigger, destroy more, and laugh deeper.  BAM Adventures activities are completely out of the ordinary and will challenge father and son both mentally and physically.

BAM Adventures Division Resources

Discussion Guides

We have a library of discussion guides that will help you and your son talk about important topics.  You should start with the "Foundational Discussion Guide," and after that, the rest of the discussion guides can be used in any order.

Discussion Guides Available

    - Foundational Discussion Guide

Father's climbing Manual

BAM Adventures Parenting Tools


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